ATTENTION MIDDLE SCHOOL/HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS: Yearbook sales are open through May 26th! Order yours now at Email to check if you have yours ordered!
over 1 year ago, Shawn Dorman
Pekin Community School District's Prom Promenade start time has been moved to 5:45 PM in hopes to avoid poor weather.
over 1 year ago, Pekin CSD
ISASP Testing
over 1 year ago, Jenny Bell
Prom Guests, The Juniors and Seniors would like to invite you to join them on Saturday, April 15th at 6pm for their prom grand march. Students will enter through the main south doors of the High School. We ask that guests line both sides of the sideway in the grass and stay off the parking lot. Bleachers will also be provided for guests. We are asking that guests enter through the driveway by the daycare (known as the exit driveway) as students will be entering through the main driveway of the parking lot. If you could please park down past the weight room by the entry into the track/football field so that our student’s cars may be parked close to the building. The gym will be open to view the decorations on Saturday, April 13th from 5:45-7:20pm. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Shawn Dorman
Pekin HS Student Council will be hosting a blood drive on April 21 from 10 am to 2 pm. Please contact Mr. Matt Hoffman or a student council member if you would like to donate. Direct link:
over 1 year ago, Ann Swanson
April Blood Drive
Pekin Schools is hosting a dinner in the high school commons tonight, Wednesday 4/5/23, in support of those devastated by the tornado. This potluck dinner is come-and-go between 6-8 pm. Everyone is welcome. Please join us to gather the community. Spread the word. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Ann Swanson
The high school track meet scheduled at Davis County for tonight HAS BEEN CANCELLED. It has been rescheduled for April 14th.
over 1 year ago, Ann Swanson
Sign up for Little Panther Volleyball Camp by May 18.
over 1 year ago, Jenny Bell
On Saturday, April 1st, Kieran Adrian (6th), Mikayla Shuttlefield (8th) and Natalie Hamilton (8th) participated in the Mt. Pleasant Honor Band. They were able to connect with many students who participate in their school bands from our southeastern corner of the state. They spent the day rehearsing, dancing and then performing in a concert at 4:00. Playing quality music with 75-100 students is very exciting and these 3 enjoyed the experience.
over 1 year ago, Jenny Bell
2023-24 Kindergarten Parent Meeting
over 1 year ago, Jenny Bell
Pekin After Prom Pop Can Drive This Saturday March 25, 2023
almost 2 years ago, Ann Swanson
After Prom Pop Can Drive 3-25-23
Pekin K-2 Spring Concert tonight at 6:00
almost 2 years ago, Jenny Bell
The 2023 yearbook is one you don’t want to miss out on! Click the link below to order online!
almost 2 years ago, Shawn Dorman
Pekin Preschool Registration
almost 2 years ago, Jenny Bell
Noah's Ark Wish List
almost 2 years ago, Elementary Principal
Help Pekin Elementary students meet their goal. Here are some ideas for donating to Noah's Ark.
almost 2 years ago, Elementary Principal
Noah's Ark Wish List
Elementary TAG
almost 2 years ago, Elementary Principal
After monitoring the weather forecast, the Girls meet of the IATC Indoor Championships will start with ALL CLASSES at 10AM on Thursday. We will continue to monitor throughout the night and give a final confirmation at 6am tomorrow. BOYS TEAMS-At this time, we plan to run the boys meet as originally scheduled on Friday with two separate sessions.
almost 2 years ago, Pekin CSD
We're getting close to our goal. The students would love to throw a pie at Mrs. Bell and Mr. Philips so help us by bringing in items for our drive.
almost 2 years ago, Elementary Principal
2023-24 Kindergarten Parent Meeting Information
almost 2 years ago, Elementary Principal